Wednesday, March 26, 2008

So call Cobbie caillat 14march 08

IT was 14th march so it Friday night so my weekend start so must go out hang around la...
mana tau still ended up staying at the curve coz oh Friday morning my colleague gave us Cobbie Caillat so call concert ticket coz the curve is official venue sponsor or something so we will have ticket.i actually got like 5 ticket but dont know who to go coz so last minute.. then ended up only ken turn up so he came to hang out wit me because b4 this he got appointment near by curve so he came to teman me to have as i finish work i went up to Borders to look for ken.

Look what i found in Borders.. my fav forever friend bear i use to collect them... and i fall in love wit this cute forever friend bear carrying a bunny.. is damn cute lor i tell u.. love it love it love it..

While we were at teh street saw the setup and all i saw Cobbie doin her sound check n all before her concert start it was around 6something.

6 something already got crowd there at the concert area. the both of us were pretty hungry but still thinking where to eat so still walkin around the street looking for place to eat we walk till around 7 we still haven't decided where to eat plus wondering if we should just wait for the concert or go for dinner coz the timing is quite in between so we simply decided to just go cineleisure there to eat at the Manhattan fish market.

as usual Mr busy guy, always on the phone or sms-ing from time to time.
This is some of our random conversation:
me: eh bI why are u always on the phone ar?for business or what ar?can you keep your phone4 once?
Ken: no la not very busy but just need to organize futsal for later tonight coz not enough ppl so need to keep asking people lor...
me : icic but always also on the phone 1 wor??
ken: ya the rest is business la working is like that la customer call what to do?
We ordered a seafood platter for 2 and make it a perfect catch with soup of the day and drink.
he finally got time to camwhore with me coz food is here ady haha..u busy guy..our seafood platter 4 two pretty big la we cant finish lor...
so we finish dinner around 8++ after dinner just go out to check out how is the concert but sadly it was raining outside lor...but got seem people still very semangat holding umbrella under the rain still wanna see cobbie.The both of us didn't get to watch the concert because of the rain and we waited till around 9 and yet the hit fm dj is still playing game wit audience damn sien to wait ady so just go home ... and the night just call off like that... should have went some where else for a drink...